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Argus Gray is the name given to a boy who has never grown up.


Whether it’s because he can’t ... or because he won’t ... is still unknown. His physical body resides in Upstate NY, driving his beautiful wife, Lenore, nuts from his A.D.D. and erratic mood swings.


The rest of him lives happily in his own small mind … writing quick read books for an A.D.D. generation, and telling stories to whoever will listen.


Clyde LeFevre is the name given to a boy who has never grown up.


When he first shared the idea of combining pinball and meditation, Clyde's wife, Lenore told him he was crazy. That made him realize he was onto something.


Then after applying for a small business grant and being turned down, he knew he absolutely must be onto something extraordinary.

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"extraordinary things at first are seldom recognized."

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